Are you looking for component level repair advice on this one? is that something you are able to carry out?
In my experience, the mac mini's are as basic as they come when it comes to the hardware functions, as everything is integrated into the logic board.
In diagnosing, we typically start by disconnecting all non-essential components and booting it as basic as possible.
Its very common for the IR cable, or the PWR button to get damaged if it has been previously worked on, so i always start by inspecting those sockets (a short can cause it to not boot)
I also locate the power pads on the logic board to power it on if the power cable is damaged.
Coincidentally, we had a batch of 10 2011 mac minis come in from a client that had suffered from a power surge, and all of them had blown logics with this exact symptom. (slight fan twitch, no other response)
Coincidentally, we had a batch of 10 2011 mac minis come in from a client that had suffered from a power surge, and all of them had blown logics. (symptoms were a slight fan twitch, no other response)
But if your LED is flashing in a sequence, see how many flashes it is, as it will be indicating a fault.
i.e. 3 flashes is ram
We've not had the boards faults traced yet, but it will more than likely be a component failure on the board, as a replacement test logic fully worked with the rest of the hardware.
Are you looking for component level repair advice on this one? is that something you are able to carry out?
In my experience, the mac mini's are as basic as they come when it comes to the hardware functions, as everything is integrated into the logic board.
In diagnosing, we typically start by disconnecting all non-essential components and booting it as basic as possible.
Its very common for the IR cable, or the PWR button to get damaged if it has been previously worked on, so i always start by inspecting those sockets (a short can cause it to not boot)
I also locate the power pads on the logic board to power it on if the power cable is damaged.
Coincidentally, we had a batch of 10 2011 mac minis come in from a client that had suffered from a power surge, and all of them had blown logics with this exact symptom. (slight fan twitch, no other response)
We've not had the boards faults traced yet, but it will more than likely be a component failure on the board, as a replacement test logic fully worked with the rest of the hardware.
I hope this helps.