It is possible to repair just the glass but I would rather leave it to the professionals. Would you rather spend $80 or $200 if you ended up breaking the LCD screen by doing it yourself; the chances are very high if you are a novice, because it is very difficult on this Nexus 6. I found a company on eBay that can do it for a very reasonable price:
It is possible to repair just the glass but I would rather leave it to the professionals. Would you rather spend $80 or $200 if you ended up breaking the LCD screen by doing it yourself? The chances are very high in breaking the LCD screen if you are a novice, because it is very difficult on this Nexus 6. I found a company on eBay that can do it for a very reasonable price:
It is possible to repair just the glass but I would rather leave it to the professionals. Would you rather spend $80 or $200 if you ended up breaking the LCD screen by doing it yourself; the chances are very high if you are a novice, because it is very difficult on this Nexus 6. I found a company on eBay that can do it for a very reasonable price: