@jowomack , Joseph Womack , Depending on your Keurig model, the heating mechanism/shut off may be turning off.
If your coffee is not brewing as hot as it should be, then your heating mechanism has probably shut off. This is may be due to your water pump not functioning properly. When water is not being pumped through the brewer, the heating device shuts off to prevent the coffeemaker from overheating. Similarly, if the water pump is working but not at max efficiency, the coffeemaker signals the heating device to shut off. You will have to possibly reseat your water reservoir.
Found this suggestion from last link below: Try using room temperature water. Hold the brew button down for 5+ seconds and your Keurig should purge the remaining water. If that doesn’t help, kcupbarista.com recommends turning your machine upside down and give it a slap/spanking. Sometimes dried coffee/dust/dirt can get trapped in places that causes problems.
You can also try a thorugh cleaning of the Keurig to see if it solves your issue link #3 below.
There could also be parts failing, heat element, control board,etc., that would require diagnosing.
From the first link below you can possibly click on your model and get more info. and dismantling instruction to check parts/diagnose issue.
[[Topic:Keurig Coffee Maker]]