Hi Well,
Check out [[HTC ONE MAX Troubleshooting|this troubleshooting page]] for your phone. You'll find some possible causes and solutions to your charging issue. When a phone doesn't want to charge, try some process of elimination to figure out the problem.
1.) Try charging it at another outlet
2.) Try charging it with another charger. This will tell you whether the problem is with the charger or the phone.
3.) If you've had your phone for a while, it may be time for a battery replacement. You can find a repair guide for that [[Topic:HTC One Max|here.]] The replacement battery can be found [http://www.amazon.com/3300mAh-Battery-HTC-One-8060/dp/B00M74W1ZE/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1458336054&sr=8-5&keywords=htc+one+max+replacement+battery|here.] Double check your model number to be sure you're buying the correct part.
4.) If that still doesn't work you may need to replace the charging port on the phone. The part can be found [http://www.amazon.com/Ribbon-Charger-Charging-Connector-Replacement/dp/B00LITHKD2/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1458335930&sr=8-5&keywords=htc+one+max+replacement+parts|here]. Double check your model number to be sure you're buying the correct part.
Be sure to check out the Additional Information links at the bottom of the [[Topic:HTC One Max|device page]]! Good luck with your repair!