I have a iPhone 5c it had a white line running from top to bottom, restricting certain areas of the screen.
When I bought the phone I was told the battery had been replaced, maybe even screen/digitizer, I'm not sure. That just tells me it probably fell before and it obviously had been opened..
I opened the phone myself and cleaned and tinkered with the digitizer tab, after looking on youtube.
So, it seems, On my phone, If the plate that covers the digitizer (4 screws hold the plate down) is screwed down to tight, then the white line will come back.. If I close the screen in to the phones enclosure completely (like it should be) the phone will periodically go haywire, almost impossible to text..etc
Basically the phone will go haywire unless it is slightly open at the top of the phone..I guess other wise when its closed the screen pushes down on the digitizer plugs inside the phone.... any suggestions?
I loosened the plate in the phone and the vertical line left, I then left the very top of my phones screen slightly cracked as to not put to much pressure on the plugs inside.. and it has been workly perfectly fine. Obviously this isn't ideal, especially if water was present it would get directly into the inside of the phone, but it works perfect for now