I had the same problem. Nothing really helped until I simply removed the button from the board with a solder iron.
I had the same problem. Nothing really helped until I simply removed the button from the board with a soldering iron.
Removing the button is pretty easy, follow any tutorial to reach the power button on the board, then heat up the area and gently pull the button out. Watch out not to overheat the close by components as you might damage them.
Replacing the button is possible, but these buttons are TINY You need a good (hot) soldering iron, flux, and preferrably low-temp solder for removing the button properly (And/or a hot-air supply of some sort, if you have one). So this is a bit beyond basic soldering skills.
Replacing the button is possible, but these buttons are TINY You need a good (hot) soldering iron, flux, and preferably low-temp solder for removing the button properly (And/or a hot-air supply of some sort, if you have one). So this is a bit beyond basic soldering skills.
Anyway, when I removed the button on my phone one of the soldering pads came out with it, so I just left the phone without a button.
You can reboot the phone using fastboot by:
You can reboot the phone without the power button using fastboot by:
1. Pressing volume-down when connecting the micro-USB to the computer
2. Using the fastboot.exe tool from the Android SDK ('fastboot.exe reboot')
Then install an app like "Volume Power" which unlocks the Nexus when you press the volume buttons.
I had the same problem. Nothing really helped until I simply removed the button from the board with a solder iron.
Replacing the button is possible, but these buttons are TINY You need a good (hot) soldering iron, flux, and preferrably low-temp solder for removing the button properly (And/or a hot-air supply of some sort, if you have one)
So this is a bit beyond basic soldering skills.
Removing the button is pretty easy, follow any tutorial to reach the power button on the board, then heat up the area and gently pull the button out. Watch out not to overheat the close by components as you might damage them.
Replacing the button is possible, but these buttons are TINY You need a good (hot) soldering iron, flux, and preferrably low-temp solder for removing the button properly (And/or a hot-air supply of some sort, if you have one). So this is a bit beyond basic soldering skills.
Anyway, when I removed the button on my phone one of the soldering pads came out with it, so I just left the phone without a button.
You can reboot the phone using fastboot by:
1. Pressing volume-down when connecting the micro-USB to the computer
2. Using the fastboot.exe tool from the Android SDK ('fastboot.exe reboot')
Then install an app like "Volume Power" which unlocks the Nexus when you press the volume buttons.
I had the same problem. Nothing really helped until I simply removed the button from the board with a solder iron.
Replacing the button is possible, but these buttons are TINY You need a good (hot) soldering iron, flux, and preferrably low-temp solder for removing the button properly (And/or a hot-air supply of some sort, if you have one)
So this is a bit beyond basic soldering skills.
Anyway, when I removed the button on my phone one of the soldering pads came out with it, so I just left the phone without a button.
You can reboot the phone using fastboot by:
1. Pressing volume-down when connecting the micro-USB to the computer
2. Using the fastboot.exe tool from the Android SDK ('fastboot.exe reboot')
Then install an app like "Volume Power" which unlocks the Nexus when you press the volume buttons.
Good luck!