Whenever I try to turn it on, the power light and the display turn on, but then go they out right away. Whenever I try to charge it, the charge light stays on for about a second, and then goes out.
I found out that if you unplug and plug in the charger about 8 times, then the charge light stays on, but that doesn't seem to help. It's probably just a glitch.
I think this is happening because the Gameboy thinks that its battery is full, but it might be dead. I'm not sure if the problem is the AC adapter or the Gameboy itself.
Should I buy a replecment battery, an AC adapter, or a completely new Gameboy?
Whenever I try to turn it on, the power light and the display turn on, but then go they out right away. Whenever I try to charge it, the charge light stays on for about a second, and then goes out.
I found out that if you unplug and plug in the charger about 8 times, then the charge light stays on, but that doesn't seem to help. It's probably just a glitch.
I think this is happening because it thinks that it's full, but it might be dead. I'm not sure if the problem is the AC adapter or the Gameboy itself.
I think this is happening because the Gameboy thinks that its battery is full, but it might be dead. I'm not sure if the problem is the AC adapter or the Gameboy itself.
Should I buy a replecment battery, an AC adapter, or a completely new Gameboy?
Whenever I try to turn it on, the power light and the display turn on, but then go they out right away. Whenever I try to charge it, the charge light stays on for about a second, and then goes out.
I found out that if you unplug and plug in the charger about 8 times, then the charge light stays on, but that doesn't seem to help. It's probably just a glitch.
I think this is happening because it thinks that it's full, but it might be dead. I'm not sure if the problem is the AC adapter or the Gameboy itself.
Should I buy a replecment battery, an AC adapter, or a completely new Gameboy?